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April 5, 2008 It is Saturday…right?


Last night we had some good news: Whether it’s the medicine or her liver regenerating – the numbers are going down! Doctors are still thinking that her liver may recover. The first night they said… “without a new liver, she won’t make it”. There is hope.  Dialysis will go all night. There are a few things that are still high. Brain pressure is good.

This morning 11:49 a.m. First the liver, then the kidneys and now her brain.  The inner cranial pressure is elevated…to the point of possible brain damage. She will remain on dialysis today. Pray, pray, pray!

I can’t tell you how much your comments, scriptures and prayers have meant to all of us. We have made the ICU our “home” flowers, pictures…and family. We ask that people respect the importance of NO visitors…Laura is in critial condition and any disturbance can affect brain pressure. If you have pictures of Laura that we can have… please email them to me at [email protected]. Please, no more than 2 at a time.

Thank you!