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It was night in Bangkok and we headed out for a prayer walk in
the infamous red-light district in Thailand, Patpong. It hasn’t gotten any
easier the more we visit. In fact, it seems to get harder. You notice more of
the little details…the small print in posters, the girls peering at you from
cracks in doors, and the sadness in their eyes.
It was the first night that while our team was walking, a
woman working  near the Fetish Bar
twisted her ankle. I did not see the actual incident, but did see the entire team
freeze. Later while debriefing the evening, some of the thoughts going thru
their minds at the time were; “I’m paralyzed. Should I help? Do I touch her?
Will I get her in trouble if I reach out to her by her boss?” Many knew that
this was the moment in which they prepared for. After a few long seconds,
several ran over to help her to her feet. While the team moved forward, a small
group was convicted to return and pray with her. (You can see her in the picture below grabbing her ankle..while men turn back and watch).
Photo by Kristen.

This was a test of faith for many. It was putting into
action what they did not know they could do. We are not sure how the girl is
now, but we walked away in faith believing she would be healed not just
physically but also spiritually. Her name is impossible to pronounce, so let’s
call her Faith. Please pray for our friend, Faith. Kristen and I hope to run
into her again this next week as we continue the ministry there with our second

Here is a group shot of our first team, minus me. This was taken the day before they unexpectedly flew out. By now, some of you may have heard about the terrible flooding in Thailand. Bangkok, being the capital is “protected” – this is commerce hub. However, they have begun a slow, controlled release of water into many areas or the dams will break. This means at any time we may or may not have flooding ourselves. Since the team has left, it’s been just Kristen and I. From our second team, only 6 will now join us. They begin arriving tonight. The international airport is crazy but still up and operating. We greatly appreciate all your prayers as we too walk in faith that the Lord will protect and provide as needed. I have no concerns about the flooding, but we are preparing just in case! 

4 responses to “Faith in Thailand”

  1. thanks connie i love this kind of news letters .with lots of photos .the girls photos sure bless me .nice photos .your minristries .is do .good .with lots of photos thanks .

  2. please send the news letters and photos to me where I can save as draft keep .and open back and view when i want to .thanks your grate facebook account .send me a request [email protected] ..thanks ..

  3. Have you heard of Freedom 4/24? A friend of mine started this org and partners with a ministry in Bangkok (Hope House??). She was just telling me about it last week and here you are doing the work in Bangkok.

    Love you and miss you!


  4. Have you heard of Freedom 4/24? A friend of mine started this org and partners with a ministry in Bangkok (Hope House??). She was just telling me about it last week and here you are doing the work in Bangkok.

    Love you and miss you!
