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I’m not sure what
happened…  but our support account at Adventures in Missions IS IN THE
RED! How did that happen? One day, all was ok and then – things CHANGED!

Ugh.  So I’ve been thinking…

Is it because Don has a job outside of Adventures in Missions that people think
we don’t need the financial support any more?
But he’s a Student Ministries Pastor.
A position not known for the big paychecks.


Is it because of Purchase Effect, that people think I have money? But still… I
haven’t profited a single penny. The money helps others around the world.


Is it because I travel, that people might think I’m “rich”? But, as the Project
leader all my costs are covered by Adventures. Thank God!


Is it because we’ve done a poor job staying in touch? Maybe and if so… I’m sorry
that I have let my crazy schedule keep me from communicating better.  I’ll continue to
try to do better. Please help, by staying in touch with me/us as well. Stalk us if you like. 🙂


We need your prayers. We need your financial support and it seems I need it as
soon as possible. My support account is in the hole. We’ve always said, the
Lord will provide. We believe that. We also believe that you, our family and
friends are a part of that.


If you can help please look
to the left. Under the Main Menu, you will find a “Support Us” link.  If
you click on it, you can make a donation. Monthly, annually or as a special
gift. Please. Please…consider praying about this.

For those of you who have support and/or continue to support us THANK YOU! THANK
We are so grateful!



Above: Myself, Don, John
and Ashley! Just 47 days before – we were not sure John would make it thru the
night after a accident at a church event. And now, weeks ahead of schedule…he is using his new leg and walking
with crutches! We also didn’t know that Don would need ACL surgery. Both John
and Ashley are from our church and part of the Student Ministries. Thank you for praying for John! If you would like to help in his expenses, please contact us!

Now, how much longer will I, Connie, be working at Adventures in Missions? It
depends on if my support account can recover with your help. If the support
does not come it, it may mean that my time at Adventures is coming to a close
in the manner that I’ve been working the past 7 years. That would be sad, very sad. I love Adventures!…but I remain open to what the Lord is doing and excited
for the future…regardless of what or where.
Here is what I do know about the future!
Mom and dad moved in with us a month ago. I was in Thailand and missed the move.
It happened quickly. They placed their home on the market and had an offer that
required them to move in just a couple weeks. They will continue to live
upstairs in our guest bedroom until they find a place. They continue their work
with Adventures…but might be working from Florida in the future (God willing).
While I was in Cambodia, Don skyped to say that he injured his knee when
dismounting a ladder when a bee (which he is allergic to) came at him. A week
had passed, but he was still wearing a brace. It is now weeks later and he is
still rocking it. Just yesterday he saw the surgeon and it will require ACL
He’s able to hold off until we return from our trip to Cambodia. So it
will take place in the few days after our  Cambodia trip and before my
India trip.
Cambodia! The time has come. Don has been working on the Freedom Project for
some time now. It started when he was at Fellowship Bible Church in Roswell and
then incorporated it with the Lanier Church student ministries when he switched
churches around Christmas. We are looking forward to spending time with both
churches. We had hoped to raise $40,000 for the safe house for girls. We’ve
raised about $20,000 as of today. Still trusting for the remainder. Ill be
sharing more of our time when we are on the field. I’m excited to be on the
field again with Don its been a long time.
Like I said, I return in time to do my laundry and head to India. I’ll be
leading another Encounter trip with Adventures. In India, are our friends
Victor and Simini…along with the 30 orphans that we grown to love. It will be a
highlight of 2013. Simini is due with their little miracle baby during our time
there!  Ministry there is so, so sweet.

We need your prayers. We need your support. Thank you!

and…I will be on the global news,
television network to bring awareness to human trafficking
and share
about one of my trips to Thailand with a previous participant, Jennifer Lucy
.  I’ve so enjoyed getting to know her
and her ministry. I’ve teased her about her book… 101
Things to do Other than Have Sex, Hump, Bump, and Grind.
As a author and
speaker, her ministry is amazing and reaches many. Check her out –  I will share the time and channel later.
Our prayer is that it will help to shed light on an issue that is all over the