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has a long term missions department that has been developing over the past 6
months. Tomorrow begins the training/orientation for a group of 15 new
missionaries. As the Southeast Asia Advocate, I’m excited about the work
currently happening in Cambodia, Thailand and India and look forward to adding
new team members. So much to share, but this is the most pressing.

my conversations with the gals already in place in Cambodia, we’ve come across
a few items in which YOU can help with. 1) Prayer. There is a battle that is
not against flesh and blood taking place. 2) Support. There is one gal in
particular who is struggling to finish out her last 6 months due to the lack of
finances. Below is her story.

Hi, my name is Elise Paty
and I am part of the Adventures in Missions (AIM) Cambodia team. I’ve been in
Phnom Penh, Cambodia for a year and a half now, volunteering at Daughters of
Cambodia, teaching English. Daughters is a NGO that provides jobs to men and
women coming out of prostitution, teaching them work-skills, offering them
creative classes, English classes, counseling and social work resources, and
opportunities to attend church services and discipleship classes-all in hopes
to bring them the love of Jesus and freedom from prostitution.
Since being here, I’ve grown to love teaching
English, seeing the encouragement and confidence it brings to the girls I’m
teaching. It’s been so rewarding for me, and I’ve seen God use it to bring
life, encouragement and community to my students! Cambodian culture doesn’t
place much value on education–many of my students have low education levels,
while some have never even been to school. It’s so empowering for them to have
opportunities to realize they are learners and capable of learning a valuable
skill like speaking, reading and writing English. I see God bringing Shalom to
these girls-encouraging them to their full potential, loving them, healing them
and surrounding them with community. It’s beautiful!
Through AIM I’ve made a two-year commitment to
serve in Cambodia, which ends in the Fall of this year. Right now I am short support due to a handful of my supporters dropping off. I’d
like to ask you to consider support. I need to raise this money within a month
in order to stay in Cambodia! Please contact me if you have any questions or
would like to support me
[email protected] 

I met Elise
within the first few months of her arrival in Cambodia, when I first visited.
Elise was quick to pick up the language…and as a result built some great
relationship. I would love to see her complete the two year commitment. (and I’m sure those she has built a relationship with, would as well!) Please join me
in prayer for her and the rest of the team.


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