El Estor, Guatemala! The medical
Many of you have asked about the
trip. “Great” just doesn’t seem to say enough. Here’s a brief overview of
what we did during our time there.
We “had clinic” for two days in El Estor, and the other days in
different communities located outside of El Estor. There were two full
days of travel and the last two days were spent in beautiful Antigua.

pack the supplies that were needed for the day and hit the road.
laid out on a table that was covered by surgical gowns taped together. A
large black tarp or curtains were used to divide the two areas used for doctor
visits. Groups of adults and children would wait patiently outside…even
though it might be hot or raining.

and Ashley would begin right away with children’s activities. When we
weren’t with the kids, we were walking through the community, visiting schools,
prayer walking and talking with anyone who would listen.

taken at noon. Once during lunch, we were close enough to a hot springs
to explore them for about an hour. Since arriving in Guatemala… it had
been my hottest shower.
people a day. The people had everything from worms to headaches.
Connie along with her parents translated for the pharmacy and the nurse who
came with us from GA. We also had a couple friends from Guatemala who joined the
team. Byron, a doctor and Betty who worked with Connie’s parents during
their time serving there. Guatemala will always have a special place in
our hearts. As always, we look forward to our next trip there.

What’s ahead? Connie returns
to Nicaragua on March 5th while I continue to work on
recruiting leaders and participants for the Ambassador trips. We have a leaders training camp soon…and I’ll be
doing some short trips, speaking in schools and churches.
Thank you for partnering with
us…in so many ways!
James 2:14-17
man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? Suppose a
brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him,
“Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about
his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is
not accompanied by action, is dead.