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It’s off to the airport to pick up the team. It’s a beautiful drive…it’s easy at times to remember you are on a Island. 
The team has arrived in Villa Mella. It’s a bit like a game of tetris fitting everyone in the space. Attitudes were great and all were excited about what the week has in store. 
Above: Pastor Juan and his wife Alba. We could not have asked for a better, kinder…more hospitable host. These two have left their jobs as a IT 
technician and dentist to serve in this community. They currently travel a lengthy distance in hopes that soon, they can move to be closer.  The building that the church currently meets in is rented. The location and building is perfect, however…sadly, the owner wants them to move out. It’s not a matter of paying the rent. He wants the building to store merchandise. Please pray for wisdom.
Our first night the team was excited to play basketball in the area. These kids won the state championship in Virginia. Both the guys and gals! Needless to say…they brought the game and the Dominicans kept up.
Our first full day was spent cleaning, picking up garbage, racking, digging, filling in holes, making a sidewalk… We had some helpers, who hung around all week. These boys live in the area. They loved the attention that these guys were more than happy to give. I couldn’t be prouder of how these guys showed Christ. 
During the middle of the day, it’s typical to take a break. This might include a quick bucket shower…sleeping, hanging out along the side of the road or buying from vendors in the area. The Pineapple was a hit…I can still smell the sweetness as I look at the pictures.


Allie. Allie. Allie. Making the most of every moment.


The afternoons were often filled with crafts, Bible stories, dramas and lessons. Relationship are quickly built.
Often our evening included a program or service where students shared their testimonies, songs and dramas.
 More tomorrow.


3 responses to “Dominican Photo Blog | Part Two.”

  1. is it weird that Pastor Juan & Alba feel like family already? committed to praying for them and their church family. you pegged it: “Pastor Juan and his wife Alba. We could not have asked for a better, kinder…more hospitable host.” must raise the bar on my hospitality per their example

  2. Thanks for all the wonderful photos Connie! As I glance at each one of them, the wonderful memories are seared in to my heart. They have become family…Grace, grace, God’s grace!

  3. Gracias por sus oraciones a favor nuestro. Espero que esten bien por alla, y seran Es bueno saber que tenemos hermanos en otros paises, Dios los crea y Dios los junta. Dios les bendiga a todos, Vuelvan pronto