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As Allie and I hit the ground running, it was fun to experience life through her eyes. New to the Dominican Republic…she noticed sights, sounds, and smell that no longer caught my attention. Here is an example. Trash, not in…but near the trash cans.
Adventures missionaries…The Shauls, Miguel and Kristen, along with their daughters Nichole and Tica. They  live, minister, and work in San Juan. Always great to see them. Don and Miguel have an interesting relationship. Upon spotting one another…the world stops so they can wrestle. This time I was not in San Juan but stay in Santo Domingo, in an area called Villa Mella.
I love the on-field set up of trips. It looks different each time, according to what needs to be done. This time, it included meeting the Pastor, his wife, and community. We shared dinner and finalized the schedule for the week. There were a few hours in which Allie and I went exploring, and here is what we found. This was a hospital many years ago. Now it’s the home of thousands of pooing pigeons. You may recall last year’s trip where one left a mark on Kristen. 


Walking by beautiful churches…they call to me. When growing up, my parents would take teams in to the churches as a way to learn about the culture and people. Since then, if I have time…I always respectfully enter, sit, and pray. Reverence is something I believe recent generations have lost.
The woman above…sweet woman. We sat directly behind her and I could hear her talking to God. Some of it made sense and other parts were gibberish. She wasn’t all there. I gently tapped her shoulder. Why? I haven’t a clue. I introduced myself and Allie, then asked for her name. She spoke quickly with excitement about the church and its history. I asked if we could pray. Yes. I asked if there was something in particular. Her hand, her wrist. She’s worked hard for years and it’s taken a toll. We said our good-byes and she bounced off down the street with her sweet, sweet smile. (picture by Allie)
Semana Santa = Holy Week. I’ve enjoyed being in different countries this last month celebrating the Easter season. Beautiful. Think I’ll schedule trips this time every year. 
I love this. We came upon it in the center of a large patio. It’s a reminder to me that the Lord sees – El Roi. I hear the old song…He’s got the whole world in His hands, as I look at it. 
The first afternoon before the team arrived, we visited the church and ministry sites. We’d be staying at Iglesia Cristiana Bendicion. A buzz was in the air. The community was ready for us and had been preparing and cleaning the church for the last week.
Next to the church and across the street, garbage was everywhere. This vacant, half-built home was a place where homeless would find shelter for the night. During the day it was a short cut to the street behind. We’d later be cleaning this so it could be closed off.
Here is the home of one of the ladies from the church. She volunteers by teaching the children. During the day she makes candy. It’s a simple home. One room, with a curtain dividing the bed from the kitchen. The back yard was the bathroom. Our guys worked for 3 days to dig it up, lay cement, and provide a place for a shower and toilet.
Heading back to where Allie and I stayed prior to the teams arrival, I spotted these! So I bought them for Purchase Effect. The proceeds will be sent back to the ministries in the Dominican Republic. You can find them listed for sale on my facebook page
The artist and his helper. 
Prayer Walk. Ever prayer walked before? I highly recommend it. It’s strange to begin with…but then you find without realizing it, that you are walking, talking, praying, sharing with people…and then BOOM! The Lord opens doors for relationships and special moments to share. Often, we walk through the areas in which we will be working and pray over it before anything else.
  We began and ended those days of set-up with cafe con leche, Allie’s favorite new thing.
More tomorrow.



2 responses to “Dominican Photo Blog | Part One.”

  1. Great pix! Sounds like a wonderful experience for both of you. I especially like the shot Allie got of you and the lady in the church. Good to have you back.