In 2007, Connie and I started this journey working with AIM together. We were both very excited about what we were walking into. I looked forward to working in missions while discipling high school students, and Connie was thrilled to use her experience from student ministries, growing up on the mission field, and her passion for missions.

Over the past three years we have seen and done some amazing things. We saw hundreds of students lift their hands to worship the Lord and travel across the globe to share the love of Christ with the childless, the parentless, the friendless, the homeless, and the hopeless. We saw some of those same students return year after year, saying that this was the type of faith experience they craved, and they wanted to follow Christ with all of their hearts. Through the power of prayer, people were healed. Lost souls came to Christ. Broken hearts were restored. Foundations for homes were built, the hungry given meals to eat, and churches encouraged to keep living for Christ in a world that has rejected Him. We saw miracles. We saw death as well. We saw the moments where it “clicked” for each student, the real meaning of what it means to be the Beloved of the Almighty God, and what it looks like to live for Him radically, with abandon, and never look back. Most of all, we saw Christ.

In addition, the leaders we met and trained have become friends, even family. Every year training camp became more and more like a homecoming as the people we worked with grew dearer to our hearts. We are so blessed.

This is a big change, but in some ways it is just an expansion on what we have been doing with AIM. Connie is now the Manager of the Field Support Department, which is responsible for finding, developing, and supporting leaders, something she is gifted in and passionate about. She is enjoying her role at AIM. We are also excited about the possibility of partnering the two ministries we are working with sometime in the future.

We are both very excited about 2011 and the adventures God has for us. Thank you all for sharing them with us!
Don: I was saddened to hear of your departure from AIM so near to my arrival. I was looking forward to working along side you and being a part of the AIM family with you. Despite my own sadness, I am overwhelmed with joy that God has provided for you and opened up a door for you to continue the work He has started in you. You leave behind a legacy, and an impression on the hearts and lives of hundreds if not thousands of people. THANK YOU for the work you do on behalf of the Kingdom. May you continue to be richly blessed as a result!
This is so awesome. God continues to bless you and use you to bless others. When you keep saying Yes, God keeps coming back with more. What a grand adventure you are both on.
We’ll miss you.
You gotta love how God continues to grow us individually as he broadens his reach through us. KINGDOM!
You are now reaching those amazing Gainesville kidlettes 365 while you continue to reach the international kidlettes 1-2-3-4 weeks at a time .. PTL .. I’m thinking God has you exactly where he wants you 😀
I remember standing in the parking lot a few months ago chatting about your dreams and passions. Awesome to see that God has shown up and heard your heart once again. Can’t wait to hear some of the stories that God continues to unfold.
You guys are awesome, and I know the new positions will benefit greatly from your experience and love of laughter.
Don and Connie-
I am so confident in the God we love and serve-that He has equipped you to hear his voice and obey when he says “Go”, and when he says “Stay”. Thank you for hearing him and stepping into new seasons and territories. You carry His authority and have so much to give to those that are put in your path.
Love the one in front of you. Speak life wherever you go.
That is what I heard as I began typing this comment. Prayers, love and blessings heaped upon both of you in this new, crazy, scary, exciting time.
Thanks for following God and making decisions that I know must have been hard to make. I respect both of you. I know God has “good things” planned for you guys.
I am grateful for the relationship we have established over the last few years. You guys have helped me to stay in touch with my passion for missions and discipleship relationships. You are a blessing to me.
I am so thankful for your heart for youth and your desire to follow after God’s will for you and Connie. I have seen you grow so much and resemble Christ in everything. You truly have a gift for relating to people and it is obvious that the church you are working with is truly fortunate to have you. I know God is going to bless you and everyone you encounter through this ministry! One of the best things to ever happen to me was meeting you and Connie and being able to call you friends/family. God clearly has a plan in everything and Im thankful His for you and Connie is continually unfolding!
Connie and Don!
I’m excited for the changes that GOD is working in your lives, and I know that all that He does is Good!!! But I will so miss having you around the office on the rare occasion that I’m in GA, Don… do keep us all posted nonetheless on what’s going on in your lives. You have been such an encouragement to me and I know God will continue to be glorified in your life!!
I regret that my words no longer flow like they used to. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about all the years the two of you have worked together side by side; sharing ideas, talents, rides, problem-solving, etc. Now as you take on new roles, new schedules, take time to bask in the opportunities God has given you for your talents to shine. It may seem strange at first, like you’re ‘going it alone’, but you know better. You know that the God of the Universe, He who created you and knows you like no other, has always been by your side, and always will be. Can’t wait to hear more updates.
Don & Connie, dear friends, we are always thrilled to hear what great things God is doing with you and through you! God continually opens the right doors for your talents, growth, and passion for Sharing Him to flourish! You are richly blessed through Him and in turn you bless us! Thank you!
Don, we know the impact you are going to have with the jr & SR hi is going to be significant and will help them build a foundation to rely on for the remainder of their lives. How great you will be in showing them being a Christian is cool or rad or sic (whatever the word is now)!
Connie, you have our continued financial & prayer support and know that your opportunity to go to the mission fields is a critical part of your calling! We are happy we can be a small part of that area of your ministry!
To both of you, we send prayers and ongoing friendship!
Way to go Rocks!!
Love, Wanda & Michael
Sure do miss having you around the office, Don.
man I sure do miss seeing you here in the office but I’m cheering for your success in life as well so GO DON!
So excited to hear about this newest chapter in your lives. Congratulations. Hope to see you guys soon!
We are so excited Don for what God has planned for you in this new position. We are so glad that you are able to use your gifts that God has givin you to the fullest and know that we are praying still that you both feel peace and joy and fulfillment in all you do!! We love you both!
God is in control Don! when are you coming to Guatemala???
Don – I know you will have a great ministry with these young people as you introduce them to a deeper walk with the Lord through missions. You have a unique gifting that allows you to have a strong relaionship with those you are investing in due to your solid knowledge of God’s word and love for all people. You are indeed a gift to all who get to know you!
so…….here comes another Monday….the second one with you not in the office. It pretty much sucks…..no cheesy “Don” smiles…..
Miss you.
Sounds like an exciting change! Praying that God continues to show you HIS way! Trusting He will sustain you through it all…