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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Its 9:12 a.m… and last night was a rough night. We were on our way home from the airport after a week in Detroit where Laura lays in ICU…when we got the phone call saying, Pray! Apparently the Doctors where suddenly concerned about her brain once again. They rushed a Cat Scan and we all waited…claiming healing, another miracle. While driving down the road, I thought of the many times God has spoken to me and my family through the appearance of deer. Yes, deer. So I said out loud…”God, it would be really cool if I could see a deer.” No sooner did I say that, there were 4 deer on the road. Thank you God. At that moment I had peace…Laura would be ok, no matter what happened. It was just before midnight when Don’s dad called telling us that the results came back. The results from her Cat Scan of her brain was BETTER than had been since her surgery! Praise God!  We slept great.

This morning’s update from Dad Rock is this…

The liver Doctor said that her liver test where back to normal ranges! She tried to open her eyes this morning. Her kidney test are coming back to normal ranges. The dialysis was done to help get rid of the toxins while her liver was recovering. She has increased respiration, due to her breathing on her own.  All are good signs. Doctors have no idea why she had the episode last night or what even happened. (That’s because miracles can’t be explained!)

Hold on, cause it’s not over yet. (We have no plans of stopping the postings…but will evidetually have a different website for Laura. Hopefully sooner than later). 

Thank you for sharing in this time with us! We can’t thank you all enough for interceding on behalf of Laura and the Rock family.