Above: We celebrated our 15th anniversary on June 4th.
Above: Real life Training Camp
Above: A handful of the Real Life team…heading to Swaziland.
Now, it is time for the two Ambassador (High school) camps. Over the next two weeks, we will have @ 115+ participants and 23 leaders take part in these two camps. Our Ambassador leaders arrive next Tuesday with participants coming in a few days later. The 5 teams that will be going on one-month trips leave on June 24th. The training for leaders and participants in our second group of Ambassador teams begins 2 days later and then they take off on July 4th. I (Connie) will be leading a team of all girls to Guatemala with friends Jess and Kristen. From there, I’ll update when I can. Don will be staying in GA to provide support for all of the teams while they are on the field and then debrief with them as they return.
This is our third summer working with AIM and it is extra special for us. We are excited about the teams, the leaders and the serve crew (potential and previous leaders) coming to help with all things training camp from prayer and teaching to team builder activities. It’s a big task that requires a team of people. There are a couple individuals going on trips that we knew from previous churches we served at….(Allie Mrakovich and Jennifer Wahler) in addition to a few of my much younger cousins. A few of our nieces as well as Don’s sister, Shelly will be helping with the camps. It will be great to see all of them.
There’s a lot of great ministry happening here and abroad. I wish we had time to tell you all about it. Please take some time to snoop around the AIM website to read some blogs and look at the pictures. If you’d like to be a part of what God is doing in and through AIM – please contact us.
Thank you so much for all your prayers and support. Thanking God for you.
Prayer Request:
Participants’ last minute preparation and support raising.
Training camps: For prepared individuals and leaders.
Safety for all teams on the field.
Wisdom in how we lead the expanding Ambassador program.
My parents: My dad is leading the 1-month team to Guatemala while mom stays here in GA.
My Guatemala team of all girls: That they would have open hearts to what God has in store for them.
Continued financial support.
you know…I think I miss you guys!
Glad to hear about all that is going on at work. The Father is really blessing you guys. And congrats on 15 years…that’s great!
I promise to come visit as soon as I can!
Hi guys! Happy 15th anniversary. Time does fly. Mark and I celebrate 8 years next week. I am glad the Lord is blessing your ministry. We pray that He continually bless and gives you grace during these days. Mom and Dad are in Florida and saw a bunch of Tambo people at Sanford. The Gess’s are ready to retire and Aunt Mabel is still serving! I can’t wait until they return to hear the news on all our old teachers and Bolivian family. We love you.
God Bless,
Nikki and family
Ok…I didn’t look up the meaning of your name or anything for my comment, but I’m proud to serve alongside ya’ll over the next few weeks. I know God is going to do some awesome things! Can’t wait to see ya’ll again…I’m always blessed to have you in my life!
C 🙂
15 years… it seems like it was just yesterday you were getting married. 🙂 Congrats on the 15 years!
Ya’ll are awesome. Praying for you and can’t wait to hear all the stories from training camp. The work you two do ceases to amaze me. See ya’ll soon!