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“Get out of my bubble,” was the statement uttered by a student to his teacher who had gotten a little too close during class.  The first time I heard this I found the statement both humorous and very easy to relate to at the same time.  For those of you who know me you may have heard me talk about my personal space bubble at one time or another.  It’s not about not liking people; I love people and being in groups.  For me it ‘s more about respecting people, their boundaries and their sensitivity to touch.

Something that I have been realizing as we have been entering in to community here at AIM, as well as trying to foster community on our teams, is that we all have “bubbles”.   These bubbles might have to do with our personal space, our relationships, emotions, history, and a whole host of other things that we attempt to protect.  It seems to me that these bubbles are always used as a tool to protect something, such as the bubble that was used to protect the Bubble Boy (“five hundred dollar!”). 

The problem with our bubbles is that they keep everything and everyone at the surface.  I will admit they do a good job of creating a sense control and comfort.  Bubbles have an ability (however limited it is) to protect us from hurt, just like the bubble in the movie Bubble Boy protected him from the outside world.  It is for that very reason that I believe most of us have them and keep them.

In order for our communities, teams, and relationships to go beyond the surface, we have to invade each others bubbles.  I know for myself that this means moments of discomfort in my relationships. If, I want to have the type of community and even ministry that Jesus calls me to…I have to go deep (to the places of discomfort and hurt) in my life and in others.

Proverbs 27:17 one of my favorite verses says “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”  I believe that you have to get below the surface of our protective bubbles in order for this to happen.   This act of sharpening sounds like it could be uncomfortable and even painful, but to have deep friendships and community, it is worth it.

We can always keep our bubbles…but don’t we all really long for something deeper? I know that I do.

Proverbs 27:6
Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.(NIV)