Due to the size of our group, we often were not all able to travel to or to participate in ministry at the same location. So we would split up…and head out. From the base, we could spend between 2-4 hours a day on the road on the bus or in the 12 passenger van… (which we found could fit 21).

(Dad and Cloyd…our driver)
(21 passanger van. Dad and Naomi in front)
The Children’s Home (Liberty) was our first stop for the California team where they were able to spend a couple hours playing and loving on these children, many of which were orphans. This is when you trust that God can use even the shortest amount of time to touch someone’s life. Face paint was pulled out and our team was transformed. (Inside and out)
(Above: Liberty Home for Children)
The Youth Hostel is a place where many troubled teens are placed. As the teams alternated in their visits during the two weeks, relationships were established. We were blessed one of the days to have the privilege to put on a program. This included singing, sharing and testimonies. Each student had the opportunity to share, participate in a skit or lead worship. We were proud of how they all stepped out of their comfort zone and embraced the kids! In return, the girls from the Hostel put on a special program of their own… I wish I had taken a video!
(Youth Hostel)
At a later time, we took these same youth on a very rare field trip to a cave! The youth were excited and so were we to share this adventure with them. All this is part of caring for these youth, building trust…and then, without knowing it…we took them to mosquito heaven! (See video below) 100% deet wasn’t enough to keep them away. The walk was long, but we were determined! All in all, everyone had fun and a story to laugh at.
(Swinging bridge to caves)
(Banana palms…better than deet.)
(Missee’s legs after the walk)
One youth, “Dennis” who had no interest in our groups, warmed up to some of our guys and continually asked if we would come back. Several from our teams were intentional in reaching out to him, talking with him, listening…and spoke love and truth into his life. Pray for “Dennis”.
Block parties…were a fun time of “organized” chaos! We would show up at the local basketball court or city plaza, but before we had time to set up, or prepare ourselves…we were flooded with children! During this time, some of the team would split up and walk around the neighborhoods praying and inviting anyone to come hear the good news we came all the way from the US to tell them about!
Great video, and I love the updates. Praying for you! How are your allergies? May the Lord bless you richly, girl!
Great video, and I love the updates. Praying for you! How are your allergies? May the Lord bless you richly, girl!
Love the video! Great pictures!!
Great stories and pictures. God Bless you both. We love the updates.