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Towards the end of the trip, our teams had planned a day of snorkeling at San Pedro Island (Also known as Ambergris Caye Island).

Naomi and I took the hour and half water taxi trip to the Island prior to the team’s arrival where we stayed for a couple of nights. While Naomi walked up and down the 25 by 5 mile Island making friends, I sat on the beach reading, taking pictures and watching the storms roll in. It’s one of the first times in my life where it was just me…no one else in a different place. Just me and my Heavenly Father. It was good, no distractions (except for the occasional crab). I did a lot of thinking…about the trinity, thanks to the book I was reading by William P. Young – The Shack. 

It was good to join up with the teams again…

Eventually we made it back to Belize City after our boat stalled several times out at sea. Our evenings and mornings were spent worshipping and debriefing our day.  

Prior to our adventure on the Island, we had spent some time in the jungle with the Moody family. To get to their home, we had an hour+ drive and over a bridge (where we all needed to walk across as to not exceed the weight allowance). Once we came to the spot of no return for the bus, we walked. Ok, we walked…fast. The mosquitoes were on our tails…literally. The “road” was dry mud…marked by all the cattle. In the distance you could hear the Howler Monkeys…howlering, and occasionally see a bunch hanging in the trees.

The Moody’s so graciously opened up their home, property…river for us to explore. They are a large family who live off of their land. We came and hung out with them on the riverside…talking, listening, playing in the river and a group prayed over Mrs. Moody’s health. We expected a miracle that day…and we continue to wait for the news of healing. Please pray for Mrs. Moody.  

On another note: There is a bus strike currently in Peru. It’s to end on Thursday. Thursday, Don is to take a bus from Musho to Lima. Please pray … his flight is Friday night.

4 responses to “Belize, from the Jungle to the Island.”

  1. Beautiful pictures. Ben loved the howler monkey picture. Thanks for the update on Don too.

  2. Wow what a great trip. Thanks for the fantastic pictures and updates. God be with you all.

  3. Once again, your pics are incredible. I’m sure they only give us a small glimpse of what it was like to be there, though.

    Praying for you and Don.

  4. Thanks Connie for chronicling our wonderful memories in pictures! We have come home and readjusted to comfortable beds, air conditioning, and no mosquitoes, but we will always have the great memories of our time in Belize; The people we met, and the things God did.