We were all pleasantly surprised when the group from Lord’s Grace Church found a Chinese Church in Belize to worship at on Sunday. Some from Lord’s Grace spoke Cantonese, Mandarin as well as Chinese…and were blessed to share a delicioius meal and other meals the next couple of days as they helped to build a wall on the church property.

What makes this all really interesting is that the gals doing our set up randomly and at the last minute found this church’s number not knowing that this was the same church that Lord’s Grace was coming to later this year to minister with through medical teams. In fact, our team didn’t know this was the same church until they opened the Sunday bulletin that morning to find their church’s name in their bulletin announcing the medical team’s arrival later this year!
…and so, they began building relationships with them while building a wall, playing basket ball, cards and sharing meals!
The rest of us went to Central Assembly of God. The largest church in Belize City where Cloyd’s brother is the pastor. Our group from PA did another fantastic job with their skits and testimonies!

Central and South America are known for their ruins
…so we thought it fun to visit one. So, it was off to Altu Na. We arrive in the morning so we could spend some time worshiping there…and then we had time to explore and shop…before we headed out for more ministry.