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As we mentioned in the previous post…I may not be able to join Don and the Peru Highland Ambassador team on July 2nd. However, I’m excited to share that I’ll be support staff for my dad, Gary Lengkeek on a two week trip to Belize. The team is made up of 32 participants and two different church groups. One from CA and another from PA. Participant’s ages will range from 10 to adults. We’ll leave on June 16th and return on the 27th.  For many going, this will be their first mission experience.



Located in Central America, Belize is a place of natural wealth and archaeological wonder…a neighbor to both Guatemala and Mexico. There are ancient cities with Mayan temples. In addition, there are jungles, rainforests, coastal lagoons, and rivers. Culturally the north is primarily Mayan and Spanish. Another beautiful country!  


Ministry Description:
We will work with a church in Orange Walk and possible help repair churches, homes, and the mission facilities. Our inner city ministries will include work with several orphanages and Bible studies in youth detention centers. We’ll stage huge block parties for kids in very poor neighborhoods in Belize City and Belmopan. Our outreach will include door-to-door evangelism in neighborhoods as directed by our pastor partners. We will work with pastors in rural areas like Burrell Boom to share the Good News with families scattered along the Belize River and in remote villages. Again under the direction of local pastor partners, we’ll reach out to local believers who need encouragement or comfort, others who need teaching, and still others with whom we’ll share lives and our own struggles. All of us will learn and grow in the process.


Please keep the following things in your prayers:

Preparations for the two teams…and AIM staff.

Unity in the group.

Health, safety and travel.

Ministry opportunities.

Relationships with our new friends in Belize.

Listening to Gods voice and obedience!

Open hearts as we share the Good News.

Changed lives!


We appreciate all your prayers. Thank you!