I’m curled up against the window on Delta flight 285 watching the sunrise. It’s not by choice that I’m all cozy, but despite being on an international flight, this time I have no legroom, no gift bag with eye mask, and toothbrush. I should have checked in my limbs. They’d been happier.
Kristen is sitting to my right and is a photo-editing champ. For the last couple hours, she has been organizing her photos for blogs. Me? I started a couple different projects but Senor Macbook no longer holds much power. Which leaves me alone to my thoughts. First, Why don’t I have a personal tv on this flight? I want a refund. Second, What time is it really? My body is so confused. Third, Are we there yet? Fourth, What impact did that $100 given to me have?
As Kristen and I talked earlier, we were amazed at the impact one can have through giving. Here is an example:
Because of that $100…
A woman working in a bar in Thailand heard “Jesus loves you” in broken Thai…and was bought a Coke. (Coke=time spent not entertaining men)
Because of that $100…
That woman working in a bar in Thailand heard “Jesus loves you” in broken Thai…and was bought a Coke. She left her work at the bar as a go-go dancer and was given the opportunity to learn a new trade, making jewelry.
Because of that $100…
That woman working in a bar in Thailand heard “Jesus loves you” in broken Thai…and was bought a Coke. She left her work at the bar as a go-go dancer and was given the opportunity to learn a new trade, making jewelry. While making jewelry she hears the gospel, get’s involved in a Bible study, gives her life to Christ and…
Because of that $100…
That woman working in a bar in Thailand heard “Jesus loves you” in broken Thai…and was bought a Coke. She left her work at the bar as a go-go dancer and was given the opportunity to learn a new trade, making jewelry. While making jewelry she hears the gospel, get’s involved in a Bible study, gives her life to Christ and…goes on a mission trip of her own up to the Burma border.
Because of that $100…
That woman working in a bar in Thailand heard “Jesus loves you” in broken Thai…and was bought a Coke. She left her work at the bar as a go-go dancer and was given the opportunity to learn a new trade, making jewelry. While making jewelry she hears the gospel, get’s involved in a Bible study, gives her life to Christ and…goes on a mission trip of her own up to the Burma border. On that trip they help build a kitchen and share of Christ love to others.
Because of that $100…
That woman working in a bar in Thailand heard “Jesus loves you” in broken Thai…and was bought a Coke. She left her work at the bar as a go-go dancer and was given the opportunity to learn a new trade, making jewelry. While making jewelry she hears the gospel, get’s involved in a Bible study, gives her life to Christ and…goes on a mission trip of her own up to the Burma border. On that trip that they help build a kitchen and share of Christ love to others. Because of their stories and love…it continues in this village. Do you see the ripple effect?
Once again, I was blessed with another amazing team. Thank you each for the role you play in these trips, our lives, and that of the Kingdom.
We are excited to return again in October. This time with an optional Cambodia trip following. Are you interested in joining? Please email me, if so.
And now…here is my view taken with my phone. The heavens from where I sit, smashed up against a window. Life is good.
Thank you for sharing the huge effect that such a small amount has made. I am sure that the person who gave the 100.00 had no idea.
so good. so very good.
next time, check your limbs. we’ll lego you back together when you arrive in Hotlanta.
Once again……awesome! AND understand the “leg” thing. Same same. 🙂