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I want to share about a new friend of ours, her name is Stephanie. She’s originally from Belize but lived 6 years in the US. Her story is filled with…fear, abuse, rape, forgiveness, redemption and God’s faithfulness! Stephanie was not just the cook for our trip, but someone used by God to speak to us. Her heart is for the community in which she came from…Hattiville. Currently she is rebuilding on a piece of property God provided. It will be a place in which people can be cared for, taught, fed and loved. A safe place where God’s presence will be known. Stephanie is 34 and a mother to 4 children. She’s a pillar in her community…reaching woman…sharing her story. She is in the process of writing a book. I hope to some day do ministry alongside her again. Please pray with me about what that would look like…and direction for her as she shares the vision God has laid on her heart for the people of Belize. 

(Stephanie in the middle with sister and son, Alex. Her property and house for her ministry is behind them.)


(The Church in Hattiville…yes, the little place in the back and it’s packed on Sundays!)

(Streets in Hattiville)

Like any other AIM trip…we ended with an ATL (Ask the Lord) day. Unanimously…we all felt lead to pour into Stephanie and her family. For some, this was staying back at the base and relieving her of her job cooking. It was a joy for the gals hanging out in the kitchen…with Vanessa, Stephanie’s daughter. It was a time of sharing and caring for one another. Was once again very exciting to see God working in ways we didn’t expect.

Lastly…pray for Joanna. She’s has no place to go, her mother doesn’t want her. Though she looks much older…she is only 14. Her heart is broken…no longer with the young man she was with for 2 years. Naomi and I spent quite a bit of time talking with her, listening to her…and praying. We walked away wondering what would happen next, there seemed to be no change. Just before loading up to leave…she waved me over asking if I’d take her picture. This was the first smile I had seen from her.

I’ve added additional pictures to the Browse Our Photos to the left. What was life like before digital cameras?

Don called from Lima, Peru…and will be flying back tonight!