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For those of you following Laura’s progress, check out her new website at  


Often we think it’s who prays, the numbers of prayers said, quality of prayers, frequency of prayers…or even the words spoken when praying that makes a difference. But, what matters the most, is to whom we pray.

•Scripture gives us models for prayers. [Matt 6:9-13, Matt 6:9]
•We are to approach God boldly through Jesus. [Heb 4:14-16]
•We are told to pray for our daily needs. [Matt 6:11]
•We are to pray for forgiveness of sins. [Matt 6:12, 11:28-30, Ps. 32 & 51, Jer. 29:12-13, Rom. 10:13, 1 John 1:7-9]
•In prayer, give our cares to the Lord. [1 Peter 5:6-7]
•Pray about everything [Phil 4:6-7], continually and giving thanks in all circumstances. [1 Thess. 5:17-18]
•Pray in faith. [James 1:6] In times of sickness and trouble. [James 5:14-16, Ps. 50:15]
•We are told that the prayers of a righteous person are powerful. [James 5:16]
•We are to pray for great things as Elijah did. [James 5:17-18]
•We are to acknowledge God [Prov. 3:5-6] and seek the Him [Isa. 55:6]
•In [Ps. 34:15-18] it tells us that God hears and answers prayer; He is near to His children.
•He answers intercessory prayer. [Acts 12]
•We see we are to thank God for His grace and mercy and praise Him! [Ps. 66: 13-20, 17-20, Ps. 105:1-4]

In addition, we recommend reading The Art of Listening Prayer by Seth Barnes. Upon choosing to talk to God, be ready to listen. God does and will speak to you. Last month after dinner with my sister-in-law Laura Rock, we exchanged business cards. We were going to go to Kenya on a mission’s trip together this fall! I was going to email her all the details. I went back to my laptop and taped her card to it…thinking, I want to send her the perfect email. The month got busy and I didn’t. Every time I opened my laptop…there it was staring at me…and I heard that gentle whisper. I should email her. At least to remind her I loved her and hadn’t forgotten about our trip. But I soon found out…I was too late. When God whispers to do something, don’t hesitate.

The past couple of weeks we’ve spent fervently praying for Don’s little sister… 32 year old Laura Rock. On April 1st, she was admitted into the hospital with unexpected liver failure. As of today, she has a new liver, is doing well…and has actually opened her eyes. This is a miracle…but a long and hard road to recovery lies ahead for her. To read more details of Laura’s journey, check out our blog at Soon she will have her own website. We want to thank you all for your prayers, friendship and support during this difficult time. This is just the beginning…please continue to intercede for her. We love her dearly and trust that God has great plans for her and will use this for His glory!

Last weekend was the first of two training camps for the leaders of the Ambassador trips. These dedicated leaders spent four days diving into the details of what it takes to lead an Ambassador trip. There were many hours spent on team building, building community among the leaders, logistical information, and seminars. The main thrust of the leader training is to develop our leaders. We understand that if we can develop great leaders who are sold out committed to Christ, we will then have great teams.

As many of you know my sister had to have a liver transplant due to liver failure. But what you may not know is that her liver failure and transplant all took place at the same time as this leader training in Gainesville, GA. Naturally I was not able to be at the training because I needed to be with my family. However, I was able to stay connected with the leaders and trainers to make sure that I was still in contact with what was going on. One of the great things about working at AIM has been working with a team of very competent, compassionate, gracious and merciful people. I was able to miss the training and know that the leaders that I had recruited would be well cared for and poured into so they will be equipped for this summer. They have also reached out to Connie and me and our families during this time.

We will have another training time with our leaders three days prior to each of their team’s training camps (when the participants arrive) this June. Leading up to this, I will have weekly correspondence with the leaders. We will be taking every opportunity to make sure that each of the leaders has what they need to pour into their teams and point them to Christ. Looking forward, this is what our summer with Ambassadors looks like: Starting in May… we will be leading or assisting with leading three different training camps, the last one ending the last week of June. Once the final training camp is complete, we will accompany the Ambassador team going to the Highlands in Peru for two weeks. After those two weeks, we head back to Georgia so that we can welcome and debrief the earlier Ambassador teams. Once all the debriefing is complete we will spend time wrapping up and evaluating the entire Ambassador teams trips and begin preparing for next year.

Please keep my sister Laura in your prayers, as well as all the Ambassador leaders, teams, and the people that we will be ministering alongside of and to.

● Continued healing for both Laura and my brother, Kevin. Praising God for the miracles that have taken place in both of their bodies!
● For the Ambassador and Real Life teams as they prepare to leave this summer. We have a great group of leaders!
● The new Community Life program AIM will be starting come fall.
● Our tentative upcoming trips to Peru, Kenya and Guatemala.
● Our financial support.
● On April 15th, Don will turn 37. He’s in great health.
● I have a few minor health issues I will need to address in the near future, including a mouth full of dental work.

Many of you may already know this, but for those of you who don’t… here at AIM, we serve as missionaries on support. What does that mean? It means people like you, who have a heart for people and missions but who can’t do mission work full time, or can’t travel overseas … partner with people like us to fulfill God’s call on our lives. Together we share His love with a dying world. What does that mean financially? It means you are used as a vessel by God. You pray, and then you commit to supporting us financially with whatever amount you can give – either a one time gift or a monthly gift- so that we can take care of our needs and serve others.
We have many wonderful people who have partnered with us annually or monthly. Thank you! You are partners with us in this ministry and are making it possible for us to continue doing full-time missions. But now, we still need to raise the remainder of the amount AIM set for us to raise each month. Please pray about partnering with us if you do not already. If not financially…through PRAYER! Thank you.

To partner with us financially, click on the “SUPPORT US” to the left of the screen or email us.

In Christ,
Connie and Don Rock

Matthew 28:18-20: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and surely I am with you always, even to the end of