1. I’m not 40, I’m eighteen with 22 years experience.
2. I’m forty and therefore…have very low possibility of being kidnapped. Right?
3. I can wear sweats and no makeup and not care.
4. I’m a big girl now (and when I say “big girl”, I’m at my heaviest)!
5. The decade of my teen years is now considered “retro” and “cool”.
6. My body is now better at predicting the weather than any meteorologist.
7. I don’t have to worry about revealing any of my friends’ secrets… because I’ve forgotten all of them.
8. I can slow down and take things at my own pace (if I want to).
9. It’s easier to laugh at myself (and others).
10. The word “fart” still makes me giggle.
11. I feel younger than ever…because I’ve connected with so many “old” friends in this here age of social media.
12. I don’t have to worry about meeting “the right kind of people” or
making “the right kind of friends.” I’m already surrounded by them.
13. I understand, love, respect and appreciate my parents more as each year passes.
14. I married the perfect man for me (thank God I didn’t marry what’s-his-name or what’s-his-name).
15. Forty isn’t old… if you’re a tree.
16. People have to listen to me now.
17. I have a reason to forget things. I have a reason to forget things and repeat myself.
18. I have a reason to forget things. I have a reason to forget things and repeat myself.
19. I’m like the cat lady, but married and with dogs and I like it.
20. I’ve seen, done, and experienced many things the youn’ins have
not. (Wait! Can I call them youn’ins or do i have to wait till I’m 50?)
21. I don’t have to pretend to like something if I don’t.
22. It’s easier to let things go. (Wish I would have learned that one earlier)!
23. No one cares if you are a bad singer.
24. Those aren’t gray hairs. That’s experience.
25. Nap times are needed, so are my 4 prescriptions.
26. I don’t feel the need to try to prove myself. I’ve spent the last
twenty years doing that. It’s time to relax a little and enjoy what
I’ve accomplished.
27. If I want to eat ice cream for dinner… I can.
28. If I want to eat ice cream for breakfast…I can.
29. People expect me to be a bad dancer.
30. I can get away with cutting through the small talk to get to the
point. I’m getting older by the minute here! People…I don’t have all
31. I am more certain that I know less than I think I do.
32. Forty is the new twenty-five.
33. I know who I am and what I want out of life, and I’m not afraid
to pursue it with passion, no matter what anyone else might think.
34. 100 is now old…and all my childhood heroes are bald, and Val Kilmer will never look as good as he did in Top Gun.
35. I don’t always worry about if people are watching and judging me all the time.
36. I’m no longer considered crazy, just eccentric!
37. My desire to live an adventure has only increased!
38. Failure isn’t terminal.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU CRAZY LADY!!! Love you so much – there is NO ONE like you! Grateful to call you a friend!
Oh beautiful friend…I love you and your list! What was that sign we saw together last year on our way to Helen? Anyway, I just love you a lot and wish you the happiest of days! HAPPY 40th!
Forty schmorty – you got nothing on me kid…you’re a mere babe. And I’ll always have 20 plus years on you. ha.ha.ha.
and you’re still super fly…How does she do it?
Happy Birthday Connie! Wishing you the best! May God continue to bless you and use you to further the Kingdom here on earth and spread His love across His creation!
You, my dear, are funny and lovely! You are beautiful and wholehearted! I’m so glad that we’ve been able to reconnect…I’m praying that God showers you with extraordinary blessings today!! Happiest of Birthdays to you!
Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you enjoyed yourself. I’ll be joining the BIG 40 next year and I am looking forward to being 40 and FABULOUS!You sure do look great and very happy!! Talk to you soon.
I love it, Connie! Enjoy the 40’s!
Happy Birthday Connie!
Love and Prayers,
Your “older” sister K
I must disagree on #40, God’s already BEEN doing his work on and through you, He’s just not finished yet! You’re an inspiration Lady Rock!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! to my very special – and yes eccentric – daughter. I love you so much and am very proud to be your Mom. May the good Lord bless you with at least 40 more wonderful years of walking this earth and sharing his love and joy.
15. Forty isn’t old… if you’re a tree.
Well, you are a tree. A tree that keeps its leaves in season – does not wither no grow weak and brittle in times of drought. And you do tower magnificently over the little people (like me).
I sure do love you. Hip Hip Hooray for you, Crock, and for the rest of us who get to rest in your quirky shade. We are better for you.
🙂 Amen to All Girl :)Can’t wait to hear what you say after another 40 years 🙂 Love You
You’re awesome, Connie. The best is definitely yet to come!
Happy birthday Connie! May it be blessed to the max!
Happy Birthday, Connie! So glad that you get to be 40 first 🙂 Love you! Miss you!!
Number 13. Amen.